Duty Now For the Future
During a slow moment at my glamorous day job in the entertainment industry, I found myself surfing the website of the musician Brad...

The Dark End of the Street
Cordova Street is a small, seedy avenue located somewhere south of oblivion. Jutting obscurely off Vermont near Washington, it’s just...

Broken Dreams, Broken Lives
There are certain points in our lives -- if we allow ourselves to slosh honestly around inside our head -- when we face the grim...

We All Live In a Yellow Submarine
I can remember exactly when the “problems” started. It was early 1970, and I was in the car -- a gold 1966 Chevrolet Impala – with my...

The Laws of Gravity Hill
As I hit the 10 mile-per-hour hairpin turn near the top of Lopez Canyon Road, Heart’s “Bebe Le Strange” comes blasting out from my Volvo...

I used to be an edgy guy. Seriously. Total bohemian, outside the mainstream and all that. In my head I was consumed with being the next...

Good Gods
I was writhing around in bed last week, alternating chills and sweats as an imaginary vice torturously churned, slowly penetrating the...

A Geek's Oasis
Say it loud, say it proud: I’m a geek. And it’s a good place to be. If you’re at one with your geekness, the heavy, unreasonable burden...

A Kick In the Ribs
I live in a neighborhood called Valley Glen (formerly East Van Nuys). I’m guessing civic pride in the Glen is high since the ‘hood’s...

Wherever you are is the place to be – Mike Damone, "Fast Times At Ridgemont High" Lennon Roxie’s birthday party was a rager. David...