The Great Pretenders
Saturday night in Reseda. The rain’s falling hard and fast, an unrelenting assault of liquid bullets shooting from the sky like a...

All She Wrote
People forget, but the Valley and Hollywood are nearly joined at the hip, geographically speaking. Separated only by a small hill, a...

Local Politics in the Age of W.
I attended my first neighborhood watch meeting last week. Here’s what I learned (short version): My fellow residents love cops and hate...

Just Want to Be In Your Panorama
I recently took a leisurely drive from the bottom of Van Nuys Boulevard at Ventura, and headed north to the end, all the way to the...

Gag Me With a Spoon
There's like the Galleria/ And like all these like really great shoe stores / I love going into like clothing stores and stuff / I like...

Still Starry-Eyed
Find the Englishman in the British Pub. It’s like playing Where’s Waldo, only with a pint in your hand. It sounds tricky, yet once...

Space-Age Living
I’ve never driven Balboa all the way to the top. I’ve always just assumed it ends at the flat end of the earth. If you’re not careful,...

Stranger In the House
Life in Valley Glen has become extremely creepy. My ranch-style oasis in the middle of God’s country has turned into Twin Peaks. Only...

Feeling Lucky
The cretins who don’t live here say the Valley isn’t cool. Now, I wouldn’t ordinarily place a lot of stock in such fish-in-a-barrel cheap...

Lost In Suburbia
I survived Thousand Oaks. My visit to this far end of the earth was meant to be a festive occasion – a celebration to check out the...